
Race Into Space

More than a game

dual shock

Сross-platform development

Nowadays, many computer game developers are turning their attention to the development of games for game consoles. First of all, we will focus on those platforms with which we happened to meet, namely:

Sega Dreamcast (Millennium Racer game, PC port)
Sony PlayStation 2 (SmashCars Games – 2003, SCE America / Europe / Japan, and American Chopper – 2004, SCE America / Europe)
Microsoft Xbox (American Chopper game – 2004)
In addition to these platforms, we also developed games for slot machines. Some remarks will also apply to new generation consoles (PSP, PS3, Xbox2) – within the information that can be found today on the official websites of the companies.

A few more words about programming for Sony PlayStation 2. This platform is quickly becoming obsolete and will soon be replaced by other game consoles. Therefore, at present, it is no longer advisable to start development for PS2. New game consoles have more RAM and modern architecture, so some of the technology needed for the PS2 will be outdated.


Sequential and concurrent game development options

If we consider various options for developing games on several platforms, then we can distinguish 2 main types of development. The first is sequential, in that the game is first completely created and released on one platform, then ported to another, then to a third, and so on. There can be many porting sequences, but it is recommended to adhere to the following rule – development is carried out in order from the weakest platform to the strongest platform. Accordingly, for the gaming platforms in question, the order should be as follows – first PS2 and GameCube, then Xbox, and then PC (PSP, Xbox2 and PS3 game consoles will also be located in this list, between Xbox and PC – exact the order can be determined after a detailed study of the specifications).

The company took a consistent approach to development several times, and both times the recommended order was violated. The game was also first released on PC, and then we began to remake it for the Sony PlayStation 2. Both times, the port of the game threatened to result in a rather long and painful process. We later learned that many of our colleagues also faced similar problems when trying to port their games to weaker platforms.

When we realized that it would not be possible to transfer the game to the console within the framework of the developed engine, we abandoned further attempts to optimize the game and began work on a new version of the game engine and the game itself, while simultaneously choosing a different approach – parallel (cross-platform).